Sunday, December 29, 2024

2024-12-20 MFA European Art

 Portals in large room at MFA - look around from two locations in the room.  Walk forward "into" the portal - your screen will flicker as you pass.  Take a few steps more to fully enter the space, then look around.  You can see the portal back into the room where you entered that Portal.

There might be some "artifacts" from other portals in the same space if you have more than one. Typically to keep one portal from confusing the view from the other, it's probably best to use only one portal in a single space.  If you have more portals, at this time it might be best to place them in different spaces.

2024-12-29 Sunday at the MFA - Egypt

 In the Egyptian section, scanned a couple of items: 

The stone sculpture to the left was inside a dark alcove, so the polycam software had no reference "floor" and ended up with what seems to be an awkward tilted "zero" position.  Rotating it with the two finger twist makes it turn in an unusual (unexpected) way.   I've rotated and moved it to a position that looks normal at the initial load.  

The light colored one on the right was in a brightly lit room with an obvious floor, so it ended up straight.  It is a tall item and I could not get the top of its head (I should have used a selfie stick - something for the toolkit!).  

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

2024-12-16 Workshop: two new channels online!

We created accounts, created channels, new spaces, and added some AR objects into those spaces, for Kiyomi and Ruth. These can be viewed from anywhere and are not limited to the "activation radius" which is in effect on the map view of their channels.

Ruth's space: - this is in her channel

Kiyomi's space: - her channel is

These will work until they change the name of their channel.

Wonder how to capture the video of the Hoverlay screen for Kiyomi's channel above? 
Someone should ask :-)

Current Hoverlay version 2.71

The current version of Hoverlay is 2.71

You can always go to your app store and update or reinstall to get the latest version. You can see the version number while the app is loading.

Reminder: you can always find the WART channel at to see some examples.